"My skin turned black and four days ago, it rolled away."
"That is to be expected with radiotherapy," said Dr Nicholas. "How long had the cycle been?"
"I've completed all twenty. Look at the area where the skin peeled off. They're weeping. Maybe it's turning gangrene?"
"Nah.... it's looking good."
I slept better that night. The skin under my armpit rolled away like a Persian carpet that evening after my last treatment. The exposed skin beneath looked like they were rudely awaken from an unpleasant sleep. They probably were.
Dr Nicholas, bless his soul, assured me that my skin is looking good. All I had to do was to cleanse the treated area with Cetaphil liquid soap which is mildly antiseptic and then moisturise with aqueous cream. (prescribed by the oncologist)
I just took another look. It is no longer weeping.
"That is to be expected with radiotherapy," said Dr Nicholas. "How long had the cycle been?"
"I've completed all twenty. Look at the area where the skin peeled off. They're weeping. Maybe it's turning gangrene?"
"Nah.... it's looking good."
I slept better that night. The skin under my armpit rolled away like a Persian carpet that evening after my last treatment. The exposed skin beneath looked like they were rudely awaken from an unpleasant sleep. They probably were.
Dr Nicholas, bless his soul, assured me that my skin is looking good. All I had to do was to cleanse the treated area with Cetaphil liquid soap which is mildly antiseptic and then moisturise with aqueous cream. (prescribed by the oncologist)
I just took another look. It is no longer weeping.