South of the Ocean is a 10-episode documentary directed by Zhou Bing and produced by Tan Sri Dato Sir Tiong Hew King, a Sarawakian tycoon residing in Sibu. He is the chairman of the Rimbunan Hijau Group.
The documentary was shot over a course of 3 years during which time, the crew traveled extensively to countries in the South-East-Asia region.
A 2-hour version of the documentary was aired over the History Channel recently. It caught my eye. The original 10-episodes narrated in Chinese was repackaged into a two part documentary narrated in English.
If you are interested to know why and how the Chinese settled in South East Asia, how bakutteh originated, who and how those early pioneers made a living, pop over to the History Channel for a feel of the documentary.
Or watch it on youtube.
A 2-hour version of the documentary was aired over the History Channel recently. It caught my eye. The original 10-episodes narrated in Chinese was repackaged into a two part documentary narrated in English.
If you are interested to know why and how the Chinese settled in South East Asia, how bakutteh originated, who and how those early pioneers made a living, pop over to the History Channel for a feel of the documentary.
Or watch it on youtube.