The good news were good but then again good news can't be anything but, can it?
- I managed to maintain my body weight at 56.4 kg. I have heard of other patients who lost as much as three kg during the chemotherapy.
- My red and white blood count is within the normal range. The WBC actually dipped below normal after the 4th chemo.(the blasted taxotere, oh yeah!) The therapy cannot go on if this count goes below a certain limit.
- As for my cholesterol level which was hovering at 13+ three weeks ago, it is now 9+ with the recommencement of my cholesterol medication. Although some other people will hit the roof when their cholesterol is at the 9+ zone, I'm pretty comfortable with it. I've been worse.
- I met a lady who underwent the radiotherapy and she laid my concerns to rest. She told me her skin did not develop any ulcers nor were there any burnt marks. She also recommended fresh coconuts during this therapy and confirmed that the body aches will come to delight us all. This sort of confirmed my earlier theory that fresh coconuts causes body aches.
Nothing untoward happened at today's session. Although the needle prick was slightly more difficult than yesterday, it was successfully administered.
That lady who underwent the radiotherapy, the one I wrote about up there? She had uterus cancer. Her uterus was subsequently removed together with 20 lymph nodes. The tumor in her uterus as well as 4 out of the 20 lymph nodes removed were diagnosed with Stage 1 cancer. Since hers is in the early stages, all she needed was radiotherapy and a round of chemotherapy with mild dosages of another type of medication. She's 38 and she hailed from Seremban. Her operation cost her $18K.
An elderly man in his 70s found a lump behind his shoulder. He ignored it. Later he developed a persistent cough. He ignored that too. Then he started to cough out blood. He went to see a specialist. After a series of test, they told him he had cancer. (Stage 3, I think. I don't recall.) His son drove him all the way from Kuantan to seek medical treatment here.
It gets better, doesn't it?