Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Changing values.

A little civility wouldn't hurt, would it?

I was in the banking industry way, way back, when Adam was a boy. Anyone walking into a banking hall back then knew where they should head for their various transaction. The teller counters were clearly marked. After a pretty long stretch, I had occasion to enter a bank recently. Teller counters are now marked by numbers and standing in the middle of the customer area right opposite some sort of receptionist was an electronic ticket issuing thingamajig. I stared at the electronic screen, dazed by the 6 to 7 selections available. (It was a lot simpler at the hospital. You select "A" if you're in for the morning session and "B" for the afternoon.)

With 6 to 7 multiple selection, one needed to pause to think this over. The lines between the category can be pretty vague. An elderly gentleman joined me at the ticket issuing thingamajig. I stepped aside indicating my decision to let him have a go at the ticket first. He looked at the multiple selection, his face clouded by indecision. While we paused, each encumbered by dubiety, a young lady appeared. Without so much as an "Excuse Me", she punched the first selection "INVESTMENT" impatiently and chided us for standing where we were because she could not get her ticket which appeared mysteriously by the way, in a collecting tray below. What insolence, I thought. She cut the queue without a word and had the cheeks to chastise us for being in her way.

If she had anything at all between her ears, she would have asked us what we had wanted and helped us make the selection, then proceed with her own. To make matters worse, she gave us no opportunity to retort. She stormed off loftily, smoldering and muttering incoherently.

In due course, I made my selection and headed for an empty seat. Her number had not been called and she was fidgeting impatiently outside a cubicle.

"May she live to regret this day", I muttered uncharitably without a shred of remorse. By some stroke of good luck, I was called first and as I walked past her, I could not help chortling gleefully. "May you wait a million more hours before they attend to you," I thought, amazed by my own vindictiveness.  And then I noticed the bulge in her tummy-tum-tum. The girl was pregnant.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Green and Purple Soap

"Who could possibly have any use for a soap which stank to high Heaven, even if it's a lovely purple?" I thought mournfully as I looked at my red cabbage soap. A thought struck me. What if I first boiled the cabbage in some water, then use it to prepare the base? The soap probably wouldn't stink as much if the leafy cabbage is removed. I made a mental note to test this out in due course.
"Try red dragon fruit," suggested Hui. (not her real name.)

Dragon fruit (which I did not particularly like by the way) contained a rich red pigment which might turn purple. Who knows? Dehydrating a few slices took days and at the end of about 4 to 5 days, I realized that it wasn't going to get any drier.

It was kinda clumpy and impossible to grind into fine powder because the sticky parts were cohesive. Kinda. Is it due to the natural sugar contained therein?
Red dragon fruit

I added water to a pinch of ground powder and it turned a lovely shade of purple. Will you just look at that? I was ready for my Dragon Fruit Soap.

Yup! That's the one on the right. The blotches of purple are all that's left of the fruit. The purple blotches felt sticky to the touch. My immediate concern - Will the soap turn moldy?

Moringa / Dragon Fruit

But I was on a roll!

Pomelo / Charcoal
Kaffir lime

Kaffir Lime Leaves



Mulberry leaves / Food Coloring