Wednesday, April 9, 2014

About the skin ...

When it first rolled away that evening after my last radiotherapy treatment, the affected area was a modest 2 cm in diameter.  The underlying skin was red and weepy with serum.  It looked painful. I'm sure it is.  Thankfully, I felt no pain.  My entire left arm is still numb and will stay numb, I was told, for the rest of my life.

Towards the end of the radiotherapy session, my outer skin was red.  There weren't any pigmentation so I was optimistic. Later, the curvature under the armpit area started to turn black. That's when it rolled away.  One week later, the rest of the treated outer skin turned black.  Right about now, I have a huge patch of black skin on my left chest extending outwards into the armpit area.  It stank. I'm not sure if that's the aqueous cream or the dead skin but it stank.

The original 2 cm (diameter) exposed skin now measured about 2 inches. The skin looked healthy so the healing process must have gone well. Pink spots on the black exterior marked the sporadic patches of exposed skin.  In the weeks to come, more of the black exterior will roll away to reveal a new me.

To celebrate this new me, I've coloured my hair a golden brown and bought myself a pair of inexpensive earrings from Diamond & Platinum.


  1. Yay!! yeah rock them with yer Diamond & Platinum earrings girl !! Thumbs up ♥
