Sunday, November 2, 2014

A nice cup of coffee.

So I made me a nice glass of cappuccino this fine morning and sipped it outside in the garden with a plate of home baked banana cake which didn't quite make a mark. The cool morning air was crisp and light. The humidity of the previous day had been dispelled by a predawn drizzle. It was as good a day as any other day.

The coffee was hot so I finished the cake first and took the empty plate back to the kitchen. 

I received lots of flyers and brochures in the mailbox so seeing that the morning was good and the coffee was hot, I decided to burn them first. Buried ashes enrich the soil, don't you know?. After that was done, it was time to drink up the remaining cappuccino ... or what was left of it, so I returned to pick up my glass from the coffee table outside.  This was what I saw.

Small splashes of spilt cappuccino on the low coffee table surrounded a glass containing only about a quarter of the original brew.  I had previously taken only two sips of coffee so the glass was near full. So, who did it?

I have three dogs. 

Venus is a 14 year old Golden Retriever/Spitz who was trained never to touch any food not offered to her.

Ginger is a 7 year old chihuahua who was also trained never to touch any food lying around.

Yup! We're left with Xena.  That's the mutt on the right. It had to be her not that I caught her red-handed. (red-pawed?) She probably thought I wouldn't notice if she left a quarter of the coffee behind.

I glared at her, gave her an earful while she walked away with that satiated look on her face.

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