Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sleeping Beauty

The young lady in her late twenties (a friend's daughter) did not wake up. Her parents discovered her on Sunday morning still asleep in bed. They rushed her into the ICU of a private hospital.  She was put on the kidney dialysis machine. There is no change in the status quo today.

What could have happened?

I am reminded of an article I stumbled upon in months past while researching something unrelated. The article was submitted by a foreign university after research into this phenomenon called Sleep Paralysis.
Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or awakening, temporarily experience an inability to move.
It was suggested that Asians were particularly susceptible to this disease and succumbed to it although no statistics were provided. They died in their sleep never to wake up again.

I needed no statistics. The first time I had sleep paralysis was when I was a teenager. A dark shadowy figure fell upon me in my sleep and I could not move, breathe or awaken without struggling. By some miracle, I survived.  It was filed away as one of those unpleasant nightmares one experience in the business of growing up.

The years went by. I moved on from college life to become a working adult. At work, I met someone called Lydia who told me about the power of the word. Life is not a cul de sac. There is a way out of any situation. She taught me to put The Word to good use so I was ready the second time I had sleep paralysis.

It happened once again in my sleep before I was married. I yelled at the dark shadowy figure thrice. "In the name of Jesus, GO AWAY!" It did. Once again I woke up shaken by the experience.

Years later, when I was at the Merdeka Palace in Kuching, the sleep paralysis came a third time. I yelled the same words. Again it worked.

I wondered if the young lady in question is assailed by the same problem.


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