Monday, July 22, 2013

Millennium Powder Beverage

The first thing my niece (Kat) did when she heard about my predicament was to call up her entire network of business contacts and friends within the family circle.

You might say, she scoured the earth for breast cancer survivors to glean any information she could from them.

I was deeply touched by her effort and grateful. When you don't have a daughter, nieces are the next best thing in life, I thought.

Thank God for nieces.

The Millennium Powder Beverage is a delicious blend of cactus, orange, lemon and stevia to form an excellent source of phytochemicals and antioxidants.

It's main component, the cactus is apparently one of nature's finest source for bolstering the immune system. The sheer number of phytochemicals found in nearly all species of cactus made it a highly desirable and sought-after plant food.

Many cancer survivors swear by this herbal beverage.  Best taken dissolved in warm water half an hour before your meals.  It is expensive though.  A box containing 30 sachets will set you back by about RM500+.

I am now taking 2 sachets before breakfast and dinner.  Hopefully, it will boost up my immunity system and prepare me for the forthcoming chemotherapy sessions.

UPDATE: Read Supplements.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, My uncle brought this for my mother who have been diagnosed to have 3rd stage breast cancer last month.

    She having her 2nd Chemotherapy today and similar to you, she have fever, hair loss & infection after her 1st Chemotherapy.

    How did you feel about this Millennium Powder? Does it help? It is quite expensive.

    BTW, one of the doctor have advised my mum not to take any Soybean product for this period & drink more barley water which help to cold down the body. Not sure why ><" But I will ask my mum to try.

    Be Strong & Win the Cancer !

    1. Dear Sir

      If you have read my blog posts in its entirety, you would have discovered that I DID NOT have any fever since my first chemotherapy despite having to receive guests who were coughing and sneezing in my face. Even members of my immediate family had been down with coughs and flu during this period. How did I protect myself?

      I think the Millennium Powder helps. It is expensive for a reason. I have been taking two packets daily since the commencement of the chemotherapy.

      As for soy bean products, please read my opinion in the following blog post.

    I don't know if the Millennium Powder boosted my immunity but I had Elevated Liver Enzyme and is currently seeking treatment. My doctors told me that all supplements will harm the liver so it is best to stay clear.
