Thursday, October 24, 2013

Getting ready for the next biggie.

I am on my third week after the fourth chemo treatment.  This is, in my opinion, a time for recovery so I am almost always hungry.  I was thinking about food when I remembered this.

mini lobster
Yup! Mini lobsters grilled with cheese. I think that KK's mini lobsters taste better than the ones we have over here. Far sweeter and tender.

And by the by, Kuching's crayfish omelette is absolutely heavenly but I did not have any pictures of those, and more's the pity.  Pictures are good.  If you can't have the real thing, you can always drool over the picture, not that it did much good for those hunger pangs.

It had been a hungry week and my food thoughts could not be derailed.  It started with Kuching's oyster crisps. (Or-Chian)  and moved on to KK's mini lobsters which was what we had the last time we were at the water-front seafood restaurant.  And the Water Front reminded me of the mad man which I shall write about in the next post.

Funny, how one hungry moment inspired so much memory.


  1. Your food pictures are making me drool..................
